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A tangle can easily be cleared by untying only one knot at a time. So what is the first knot that you need to untie in your life? Go untie that knot. Just that one. The others will follow.
Music Mitoka Samba | Batucadas 2007, Mitoka Samba
Preliminary Instructions
Do this when no one else is around and when you can make a lot of loud noise without disturbing anyone.
Use earplugs or put on noise canceling headphones with good beatz.
Get a pan lid & a wooden spoon.
Put on good stomping shoes.
Take at least 3 minutes to bang, stomp, and yell–preferably to a beat.
(Alternatively, get in a car and drive somewhere random and yellllll. But please ensure you can still hear the world around you while driving, for safety reasons.)
Here is the full length version of Batucadas, in case you'd like to freak out to that music, which is highly recommended.
Final and Most Important Instruction
Now pick 1 task that is part of a larger project that will take only 2 minutes to do and go do it.
Seriously. Go do it. You picked this remedy for a reason. So this is part of getting unstuck. You are the person who has to unstick yourself. #sorrynotsorry #loveyou